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Oscars 2013: A Hat-Trick of Wins for Simon Hayes.
Monday, 25th February 2013
AMPS member Simon Hayes has completed a hat trick of award wins when he collected the Oscar for best sound mixing along with Andy Nelson and Mark Paterson for their work on Les Miserables. He had previously picked up a BAFTA and CAS award for the same film. The Oscar is a crowning achievement for Simon who's work includes recording production sound on Prometheus, X men First Class, Green Zone Harry Brown and mamma Mia. His drive and determination helped create the award winning sound track for Les Miserables that included recording live vocals from all the actors as they performed their songs. No mean feat on a big budget multi camera movie with numerous special effects. He achieved this using a sound team of up to 7 people who were dedicated in capturing the clean dialogue. A van full of carpets and sound blankets along with a 2 kilometre induction loop and multiple radio mics helped Simon achieve this award winning sound track. A big congratulations from The Association of Motion Picture Sound.